Clean up resources

We will take the following steps to delete the resources we created in this workshop.

Remove Cloudfront

  1. You need go to Cloudfront service -> Choose your Cloudfront -> Disable 03-clean

  2. Wait about 10 minutes then you can choose and delete it 04-clean

  3. Delete it 11-clean

Remove S3

  1. We need to empty bucket before delete it, select all object and choose “Delete” 05-clean

  2. Type confirm text and click “Delete objects” 06-clean

  3. Click “Close” 07-clean

  4. After that our bucket is empty, then we go back 08-clean

  5. Choose our bucket again 09-clean

  6. Confirm to delete 10-clean

Remove IAM

  1. Delete our Role by choose the role and click “Delete” 12-clean

  2. Delete Identity Provider by choose it and click “Delete” 14-clean

Delete Github Repository

  1. Delete environment secrets 16-clean

  2. Click “I understand, delete this environment” 17-clean

  3. Delete repository 19-clean