We will take the following steps to delete the resources we created in this workshop.
You need go to Amazon Bedrock service -> Choose agent alias -> Delete
Type “delete” -> Delete
Go to Knowledge base service -> Choose our knowledge base -> Delete
Type “delete” -> Delete
We also need to delete vector store database. Go to OpenSearch service
At Serverless -> Collections -> Choose collection -> Delete
Type “confirm” -> Delete
Go to “SQS” service -> Choose 2 queues we just created -> Delete
Type “confirm” -> Delete
Go to “Lambda” service -> Choose checkbox for all -> Actions -> Delete
Type “confirm” -> Delete
Go to “S3” service -> Choose our bucket -> Empty
Type “permanently delete” -> Empty
Empty successfully! next, we need to delete bucket
Choose out bucket -> Delete
Type our bucket name -> Delete bucket
Go to “SES” service -> Configuration -> Identities -> Check all -> Delete
Confirm to finish