Create Domain identity

  1. In the AWS Console, search “ses” and choose Amazon Simple Email Service
  1. At the left panel, choose “Identities”
  1. Choose Create identity
create identity
  1. Then at the Identity details > Identity type > Domain.
    • Then you will fill your custom domain at the field Domain, at this case i used my own domain.
    • At the Verifying your domain > Advanced DKIM settings > Identity type > Easy DKIM
create identity
  1. We choose DKIM signing key length > RSA_2048_BIT for security. Then click Create identity
create identity

An email notification from AWS

email identity done
  1. As you can see, we just created an identity

Action required To verify ownership of this identity. DKIM must be configured in the domain’s DNS settings using the CNAME records provided.

create identity done

A banner that tell me to config DNS record to AWS SES. Let scroll down to see some configuration.

dns records
  1. At this section, you can use Route53 or any Domain provider to config your DNS. In my case, i used matbao to config. There are 2 things you need to focus:
  • The first thing is 3 records as the image above you need to insert them in DNS panel of you domain provider.
dns records
  • The second thing is pointing from domain DNS email record to SES service endpoint, because we focus on region us-east-1 so the endpoint will be you can check this at Email Receiving endpoint
mx records
  1. Final, let wait a bit and you can see your domain identity is verified