Attribute Name | Type |
orderId | String |
carrier | String |
trackingNumber | String |
status | String |
This step is the same with step 7.1 using default settings, i just change the name of the table
You can create table with AWS CLI
aws dynamodb create-table \
--table-name shipments \
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=orderId,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=orderId,KeyType=HASH \
--billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST \
The table is created
Final, let’s create sample records
# Create shipment record 1
aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name shipments \
--item '{
"orderId": {"S": "12345"},
"carrier": {"S": "FastShip"},
"trackingNumber": {"S": "FS123456789"},
"status": {"S": "IN_TRANSIT"}
}' \
# Create shipment record 2
aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name shipments \
--item '{
"orderId": {"S": "67890"},
"carrier": {"S": "QuickPost"},
"trackingNumber": {"S": "QP987654321"},
"status": {"S": "DELIVERED"}
}' \
# Create shipment record 3
aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name shipments \
--item '{
"orderId": {"S": "24680"},
"carrier": {"S": "ExpressLine"},
"trackingNumber": {"S": "EL456789123"},
"status": {"S": "PROCESSING"}
}' \
Refresh the page and you got these items
Let’s go to the next step.