Setup SQS

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Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables decoupling and scaling of distributed systems and serverless applications. It provides a reliable, highly-available intermediary for sending messages between application components.

Key benefits of SQS:

  • Decouple components: SQS allows different parts of a distributed application to run independently
  • Handle high throughput: Can process thousands of messages per second
  • At-least-once delivery: Messages are stored redundantly across multiple AZs
  • Configurable retention: Messages can be stored up to 14 days
  • Cost effective: Pay only for the requests you make
  • Managed service: No servers to provision or manage

Common use cases:

  • Workload decoupling: Separate producers from consumers
  • Batch processing: Collect and process messages in batches
  • Request buffering: Handle traffic spikes by queuing requests
  • Fan-out architectures: Distribute messages to multiple consumers
  • Job queues: Coordinate distributed job processing
  • Microservices communication: Reliable async messaging between services

In this workshop, we’ll use SQS to decouple our Lambda functions that handle email processing:

  • Generate email responses
  • Send emails

This architecture allows each function to process messages at its own pace while ensuring reliable message delivery between components.


Now, we going to create them

Generate email response queue

  1. In the AWS Console, search “sqs” and choose Simple Queue Service
  1. Choose Create queue
  1. We are using default setting, type sqs-generate-email-content-queue as Name
  1. Choose Create queue
  1. Create queue successful, next we need to setup trigger lambda function when a message incoming, choose Lambda triggers
  1. Choose Configure Lambda function trigger
  1. Then we choose exist Generate Email Lambda we created at step 8.2, then choose Save
  1. As you can see we just add a trigger for our SQS, then you can go next step

Send email queue

This queue is same with generate email queue, please help me create this queue

  • Name: sqs-send-email-to-customer-queue
  • Trigger Lambda function: SendEmailLambda